Q. Should I keep track of all my vehicle expenses if I'm already keeping track of my mileage?
A. Yes, because not every year will your mileage give you the best deduction for your situation that year. You also, have to keep track of your mileage in order to get your business mileage percentage to use towards the expenses.
Q. The SIGN UP FORM sometimes shows a certificate error. Does this mean the page is going to damage something?
A. No, this is just a result of us using a shared certificate with our server. We will soon be updating our certificate to alleviate the concerns of clients and to show our committment to maintain online privacy and security.
Q. How do I get all my numbers together and organized for you?
A. You can go to the HELP SHEETS page and download any of those documents to help you get prepared, especially if you have deductions. Let us know if you have any questions.